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Antonis Tsolomitis | University of the Aegean

Convert Greek (including polytonic) written in iso-8859-7 with the
conventions of the Babel LaTeX package to Unicode Greek for use with

If the file is in monotonic the conversion is easy. Just execute (at the Linux commandline)

iconv -f iso8859-7 -t UTF-8 filename > new-filename

But if the files is written with polytonic Greek, for example if >ά| is written for alpha psili, oxia, ypogegrammeni, then this conversion is not easy.

1. Download the script babel7toUTF8 and make sure you have installed iconv and sed. If not the script will detect it and ask you to install these programs. Save this script in the folder that you have your files that you need to convert.

2. cd to that folder and make the script executable by executing:

chmod +x babel7toUTF8

3. Now run the conversion:

./babel7toUTF8 filename

This command will produce the file utf8-filename that contains your text written in proper Greek Unicode.

Created by Antonis Tsolomitis on 24/Feb/2022
Modified on 24/Feb/2022

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