
How to reach Samos by plane

There are many regular flights to Samos every day from Athens and many direct charter flights from many European cities.

If you want to come directly to Samos you have to check with your travel agent for charter flights. If you can not find a convenient direct flight to Samos, you will have to come through Athens. The flight from Athens is about 50 minutes. There are two companies that have regular flights to Samos. One is Olympic Airlines and the other is Aegean Airlines. You can find more information about their schedules from your travel agent of from their web sites:

Olympic Airlines

Aegean Airlines

From Samos airport the easiest way to get to Doryssa Bay Hotel is by taxi (there is no public transportation from the airport). The fare sould be around 5 € (~ $6.25).

How to reach Samos by ship

There are usually two ships every day coming to Samos from Piraeus, the port of Athens. They usually leave Piraeus in the evening and arrive at Samos early in the next morning. It is about 12 hours travel, so in case you choose to travel by ship it will be convinient to book a bed or a cabin.

Make sure you disembark at Vathi, the second port that the ship stops on Samos (the first port is the town of Karlovassi, the home town of the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean).

From Vathi the simplest way to get to the conference site is to take a taxi to Doryssa Bay Hotel (about 15 Km or 9.32 miles).