
Sunday 24 June 2007

17:00–20:00 Registration

Monday 25 June 2007

9:00-9:10   Opening

9:15–10:05 Endre Szemerédi

Some problems in extremal graph theory 

Coffee Break

10:40–11:30 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann

Embeddings under various notions of randomness

11:40–12:10 Zoltán Füredi

Almost similar configurations 

12:20–12:50 Michael Krivelevich

Minors in expanding graphs

Lunch Break

16:30–17:00 Greg Kuperberg

From the Mahler conjecture to Gauss linking integrals

17:10–17:40 Piotr Mankiewicz

How neighbourly an m-neighbourly symmetric polytope can be? 

Coffee Break

18:00–18:30 Rafał Latała

On the infimum convolution inequality

18:40–19:10 Emanuel Milman

Isoperimetric inequalities for uniformly log-concave measures and uniformly convex bodies

19:20–19:50 Olivier Guédon

Selections of arbitrary size of characters

Tuesday 26 June 2007

9:00–9:50 Roman Vershynin

Anti-concentration inequalities

Coffee Break

10:20–11:10 Mark Rudelson

Invertibility of random matrices

11:20–11:50 Hermann König

Projecting l onto classical spaces

12:00–12:30 Carsten Schütt


Lunch Break

16:30–17:00 Tony Carbery

On equivalence of certain norms on sequence spaces 

17:10–17:40 Mathieu Meyer

On some functional inequalities 

Coffee Break

18:00–18:30 Gabriele Bianchi

Determination of a set from its covariance: complete confirmation of Matheron’s conjecture

18:40–19:10 Martin Henk

Roots of Ehrhart polynomials

19:20–19:50 Stefano Campi

Estimating intrinsic volumes from finitely many projections 

Wednesday 27 June 2007

9:00–9:50 Gady Kozma

Contracting Clusters of Critical Percolation

10:00–10:50 Alain Pajor

Marchenko-Pastur distribution for random vectors with log concave law 

Coffee Break

11:20–11:50 Elisabeth Werner

Geometry of sets of quantum states and super-operators

12:00–12:30 Stanislaw Szarek

Sets of constant height and ppt states in quantum information theory

12:40–13:10 Guillaume Aubrun

Catalytic majorization in quantum information theory 

Thursday 28 June 2007

9:00–9:50 Matthias Reitzner

Tail inequalities for random polytopes

10:00–10:30 Alexander Koldobsky

The complex Busemann-Petty problem 

Coffee Break

11:00–11:30 Wolfgang Weil

Projections and liftings on the sphere 

11:40–12:10 Attila Pór

Density of ball packings and its application to the Hausdorff dimension of the residual set

12:20–12:50 Alexander Sodin

The non-backtracking random walk on a graph 

Lunch Break

Session A: 16:00–16:30 Omer Friedland

Kahane-Khinchin type Averages 

Session B: 16:00–16:30 Franz Schuster

Valuations and Busemann-Petty type problems 

Session A: 16:40–17:10 Peter Pivovarov

Volume thresholds for Gaussian and spherical random polytopes and their duals 

Session B: 16:40–17:10 Christoph Haberl

Lp intersection bodies 

Session A: 17:20–17:50 Joseph Lehec

A simple proof of the functional Santaló inequality 

Session B: 17:20–17:50 Vladyslav Yaskin

On strict inclusions in hierarchies of convex bodies

Coffee Break

Session A: 18:10–18:40 Boris Bukh

Measurable chromatic number and sets with excluded distances 

Session B: 18:10–18:40 Maryna Yaskina

Shadow Boundaries and the Fourier Transform 

Session A: 18:50–19:20 Stefan Valdimarsson

A multilinear generalisation of the Hilbert transform and fractional integration 

Session B: 18:50–19:20 Balázs Patkós

Equitable coloring of random graphs

Session A: 19:30–20:00 Jesús Suárez

Twisting Schatten classes 

Session B: 19:30–20:00 Gergely Ambrus

On the maximal convex chains among random points in a triangle

Friday 29 June 2007

9:00–9:50 Michel Ledoux

Deviation inequalities on largest eigenvalues 

Coffee Break

10:20–11:10 Vitali Milman

On some recent achievements of Asymptotic Geometric Analysis

11:20–11:50 Alexander Litvak

Vertex index of convex bodies and asymmetry of convex polytopes

Coffee Break

12:20–12:50 Mariya Shcherbina

Central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of orthogonally invariant matrix models 

13:00–13:30 Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz

Gaussian concentration of vector valued random variables 

13:40–14:10 Bo’az Klartag

Rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for convex bodies