Kyriakos Keremidis
Associate professor
tel: (0273) 33914 - fax: (0273) 33896

University of Patras, GREECE (Diploma in Mathematics)
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (Master
of Arts in Mathematics) and Iowa State University (Ph.D in Mathematics)
Set Theory, Topology and their applications to Analysis
K. Keremedis, On the covering and the additivity number of the real
line. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123, (1995)
K. Keremedis, Bases for vector spaces over the two element field and
the axiom of choice. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996)
K. Keremedis, Some equivalents of the axiom of choice in Algebra,
Univers., 36 (1996), 574-572
K. Keremedis, Continuous real valued functions in T4 spaces.
Jap. 46, No. 3, (1997), 503-508
K. Keremedis, Extending independent sets to bases and the axiom of choice,
Logic Quart. 48 (1998)
K. Keremedis, Some equivalents of AC in Algebra II, Algebra Univers.,
39 (1998), 163-169
K. Keremedis, Filters, Antichains and Towers in topological spaces and
the axiom of choice, Math. Logic Quart. 44 (1998), 359-366
K. Keremedis (with P. Howard, H. Rubin and J. Rubin), Versions of normality
and some weak forms of the axiom of choice. Math. Logic Quart.,
44 (1998) 367-382
K. Keremedis (with P. Howard, H. Rubin and J. Rubin), Disjoint
unions of topological spaces and choice, Math. Logic Quart., 44,
(1998) 493-508
K. Keremedis, Weak Hausdorff gaps and the p < t problem,
Logic Quart. 45, (1999), 95-104
K. Keremedis, Some remarks on category of the real line, Arch.
for Math. Logic, (1999), 1-10
K. Keremedis (with P. Howard, H. Rubin and A. Stanley), Compactness
in countable Tychonoff products and choice, Math. Logic Quart. 46
(2000), 3-16.
K. Keremedis (with E. Tachtsis), On the extensibility of closed filters
in T1 spaces and the existence of well orderable filter bases,
Math. Univ. Carolinae, 40, 2 (1999) 343 - 353
K. Keremedis (with Horst Herrlich), Products, the Baire category theorem,
and the axiom of dependent choice, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae,
40, 4 (1999) 771-775
K. Keremedis (with E. Tachtsis), On Lindelof metric spaces and weak
forms of the axiom of choice, Math. Logic Quart. 46, (2000)
K. Keremedis (with P. Howard, H. Rubin and A. Stanley), Paracompactness
of metric spaces and the axiom of choice, Math. Logic Quart. 46,
(2000) 219-232
K. Keremedis (with Horst Herrlich), The Baire category theorem and choice,
accepted, Topology and its Applications, (1999)
K. Keremedis. On Weierstrass compact pseudometric spaces and a weak
form of the axiom of choice, accepted, Topology and its Applications,
K. Keremedis (with E. Tachtsis), Compact metric spaces and weak forms
of AC, accepted, Math. Logic Quart. (1999)
K. Keremedis (with Horst Herrlich), On countable products of finite
Hausdorff spaces, accepted, Math. Logic Quart. (1999)
K. Keremedis, The Vector space Kinna-Wagner Principle is equivalent
to the axiom of choice, accepted, Math. Logic Quart. (1999)
K. Keremedis, On infinite trees without infinite chains or antichains,
accepted, Math. Jap. (2000)
K. Keremedis, The compactnes of 2R and some weak forms
of the axiom of choice, accepted, Math. Logic Quart. (2000)
K. Keremedis, Disasters in topology without the axiom of choice,
accepted, Arch. for Math. Logic. (2000)
K. Keremedis (with E. Tachsis), On Loeb and weakly
Loeb Hausdorff spaces.
K. Keremedis - Disjoint unions in topology and
some weak forms of the axiom of choice
K. Keremedis (with Horst Herrlich), Powers of
K. Keremedis (with P. Howard, H. Rubin, A.
Stanley and E. Tachtsis), Non-constructive properties of the real line.
K. Keremedis (with E. Tachtsis), Some weak forms
of the axiom of choice restricted to the real line R.
K. Keremedis (with E. Tachtsis), Non-constructive
properties of well orderable T2 spaces.
Some non-constructive properties of metric spaces.
Some topological characterizations of the axiom
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