Common Desktop EnvironmentConfigure CDE Login Manager
Table of contentsHow do I add other desktops than CDE to the login manager?
Even more desktops? Correct sound and video permissions |
On Linux (at least on Ubuntu) the sound and video devices have access rights that are set as the user logs in. This is taken care by the default login manager but not by dtlogin. So when using dtlogin to log into any session the sound and video do not work for the user. The commands that give a user the rights to use the sound and video system are
setfacl -m "u:$USER:rw-" /dev/snd/*
setfacl -m "u:$USER:rw-" /dev/video*
but they must be executed with root priviledges. To fix this inconvenience one may do the following:
Logout and login.