Summer School Dates:

Monday, June 3 - Sunday, June 9, 2013.

Participants are invited to contact the organizers (contact information is provided in this web page).

Financial Support:

Fincial support will be provided for a limited number of participants. Graduate students and young researchers are encouraged to apply.

Support is provided by the French research network "ANR Géométrie de Finsler et applications", by the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean and by the French research networks GDR "Tresses" and GDR PLATON "Géométrie, Arithmétique et Probabilités".

Additional support is provided by Tsakoumagos A.E., BiC Greece, Union of Vinicultural Cooperatives of Samos (EOSS), and Καλογεράς-Promomessage A.E.B.E.

